Newark Radio Co-op
In August 2017 Shine received this great email, and it connected so well to our mission that working together was a perfect fit:
My name is Brittany Jade, I am the founder of a new radio station called The Newark Radio Co-Op. The Co-Op is based in the Gateway Project Spaces gallery in Downtown Newark and we launch this fall.
I am reaching out because I wanted to get portraits taken of our show host/dj's for our website. On the Express Newark site it says that you offer complimentary portraits for Newark residents. I live here in Newark as does the majority of our show talent, so I am writing to see if we would qualify for these complimentary portraits.
A little information about The Co-Op: We are a free form station which means there is no set playlist and our djs are allowed and encouraged to play whatever it is they want from whatever genre they want. The Co-Op is a division of an organization I founded called Public Radio For All. The mission of PRFA is to empower and amplify the voices of women, people of color and LGBTQ identifying talent in radio and podcast production. The Co-Op will feature an eclectic music programming as well as reporting and storytelling by and about people in minority communities.
I would love to meet with you to talk more about your portrait services and see how we can work together on this project.
All the Best,
On November 1, 2017, from 12 - 9pm, Shine staff and Rutgers University-Newark advanced photography students created portraits of over 40 DJ’s. Prior to the event we’d had several meetings with Britt to discuss styles, intended uses for the images and to share our sketch photographs. During the event itself each portrait session included three different settings, with approximately 30-40 minutes dedicated for each person.
Photographers worked in groups throughout the nine-hour duration, under the direction of Anthony Alvarez and Nick Kline:
Devyn Nunez & Shelly Edelman with Mohammad Balatero, Catherine Collins, Kimmah Dennis, Joyce Dua, Jorge Flores, Cansuela Lawrence, Patrick Liu,
Axell Sanchez, Lauren Sonn, Han Xu,
Click images to enlarge